Category: Gloucester

Gloucester Fishermen’s Wives Quilt

Gloucester Fishermen’s Wives Quilt

Gloucester’s Wives & Fishermen Shine On was the 20th anniversary celebration of the Gloucester Fishermen’s Wives Memorial featuring light and sound installations by Hersch Visuals and MF Dynamics and highlighted the Gloucester Fishermen’s Wives Quilt. The sound installation broadcast stories and recollections from contemporary fishermen’s wives that played alongside the light projection on the memorial.

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Captain’s License Program

Captain’s License Program

If you’re interested in the Captain’s License Program or earning another Merchant Mariner Credential, Fishing Partnership wants to connect you to our friends at the Gloucester Fishermen’s Wives Development Program (GFWDP) who has scholarships available for Massachusetts-based Commercial Fishermen to obtain their Able Seaman certificate and Captain’s License.

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Red Fish Soup Recipe

Red Fish Soup Recipe

The documentary Fish and Men exposes the high cost of cheap fish in the modern seafood economy and features Angela Sanfilippo’s family recipe for Red Fish Soup. Get the recipe here and learn more where to watch the 84 minute film.

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Fishermen Need Help

Commercial fishermen are essential workers and heroes that risk their lives to feed us. The pandemic has threatened the collective livelihood of the 20,000 fishermen we serve. You can help local fishing families by answering the call. Make a donation to support Fishing Partnership programs and thank you.

Become a Member

Show your support for commercial fishermen and become a supporting member of Fishing Partnership today. It costs nothing to join!  You will receive news and updates on the local fishermen who bring you the freshest seafood, sustainably caught, from the most highly regulated wild fisheries in the world.