Gloucester Fishermen’s Wives Quilt

A narrative quilt created in 1998 by the members of the Gloucester Fishermen’s Wives Association (GFWA) tells the story of their struggles against factory trawlers, fish farming, oil drilling, and other threats to the oceans. It honors the history and faith of the fishing industry and celebrates its future. The quilt was created in conjunction with nationally known quilt maker, Clara Wainwright.

Gloucester Fishermen’s Wives Quilt

Gloucester’s Wives & Fishermen Shine On was the 20th anniversary celebration of the Gloucester Fishermen’s Wives Memorial featuring light and sound installations by Hersch Visuals and MF Dynamics. The sound installation broadcasted stories and recollections from contemporary fishermen’s wives that played alongside the light projection on the memorial. The light and sound art installations illuminated the strength and resilience of generations of women who support commercial fishing. Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey was also honored for her strong advocacy for the regions fishing industry.

LuminArtz prioritized building a team of women artists for this project. Acclaimed Medford, Mass.-based artist Pamela Hersch of Hersch Visuals designed the lighting and projections, as well as the quilt animations that were shown at the Cape Ann Museum. Award-winning sound artist, musician and composer Maria Finkelmeier of MF Dynamics created the aural soundscape that surrounded the statue and immersed visitors in the captivating stories, memories and observations of GFWA members, women leaders, and contemporary daughters and wives who continue to be active in the preservation of the industry, maintenance of the ocean, and more.

This event was presented in partnership with and made possible by the generous support of the Essex County Community Foundation’s Creative County Initiative, The Gloucester Fishermen’s Wives Association and Fishing Partnership Support Services, Cape Ann Museum, The Boston Foundation/Bruce J. Anderson Foundation, the City of Gloucester, LEAP for Education/Gloucester High School, and Brookline Bank.

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