CPR & First Aid Class
Free Training for Commercial Fishermen
Waiting on the weather? We understand – call anyway to let us know you might need a spot.
Pre-register with a Navigator.
About the CPR & FIrst Aid Class
When you’re at sea, you don’t have the convenience of emergency personnel arriving in a few minutes to care for an injured crewman. As fishermen, you are the first responders. Depending on the weather and your distance from shore, you may continue to respond for a long time until medical experts take over. This CPR & First Aid Class is enhanced to teach you the most up to date life-saving skills. This class certifies fishermen in CPR and First Aid and meets U.S. Coast Guard requirements under 46 CFR 28.21.
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During the CPR & First Aid Course, you will receive hands-on instruction for these skills and more:
*Tourniquets * Splinting (broken bones) * Wound Care *Hypothermia * Diabetes * Overdose *Heart Attack * Shock * Traumatic Injuries *Allergic Reactions * Burn Treatment * Stroke * Cuts and Lacerations * Chemical Poisoning *First Aid Kits * Infections * Patient Assessment * Bites and Stings *Frostbite * Medical Emergencies (Appendicitis, Seizure, Sepsis etc.) * Asthma * Dehydration * Amputation * Heat Stroke * Choking * CPR * AED use * Patient Evacuation *Ergonomics and more.

More Safety Training Classes for Commercial Fishermen
Safety & Survival Training
Prepare for a full day of hands-on training in fighting fires, plugging leaks, and swimming to a life raft in a survival suit. This course is designed for all fishermen, including crewmen, to learn or hone fundamental survival skills like making a MAYDAY call, lighting flares, and rescuing a person that falls overboard.
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Drill Conductor Certification
After completing the 1-day Safety and Survival Training Course, fishermen spend a second day learning how to lead monthly, on-vessel safety drills that are critical for building muscle memory and ensuring the crew retains their skills. Meets U.S. Coast Guard requirements under 46 CFR 28.270(c).
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Fishing Vessel Stability Awareness Class
This 5-hour workshop provides practical information and hands-on training on vessel stability and emergency responses to flooding problems that cause many casualties. It incorporates practical examples and case studies of actual fishing vessel accidents caused by complacency and other unsafe practices.
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What Fishermen Are Saying
Request Services
Are you or your spouse a fisherman? Do you come from a fishing family? Or, are you a shoreline worker that lives in a coastal community [that's anyone that has a job that supports fishermen getting their product to market and includes boat mechanics, fish cutters and lumpers to name a few]? We're here to help. Complete the Request for Services form and we'll answer your call.
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Show your support for fishermen, their families and coastal shoreline workers. Sign up as a Friend of Fishing Partnership and you'll receive news on local fisheries and learn what it takes to bring fresh seafood, sustainably caught, from the most highly regulated wild fisheries in the world to your dinner table. Learn what you can do to support fishing communities near you.