Captain’s License Program

If you’re interested in the Captain’s License Program or earning another Merchant Mariner Credential, Fishing Partnership wants to connect you to our friends at the Gloucester Fishermen’s Wives Development Program (GFWDP) that has scholarships available for Massachusetts-based Commercial Fishermen to obtain their Able Seafarer Certificate and Captain’s License.

Having these credentials opens opportunities for work in many maritime fields. Classes are held online and in-person at the Northeast Maritime Institute in Fairhaven, MA.

If you are a fishermen based outside of Massachusetts, you may be eligible for financial assistance from the Ted Williams Memorial Scholarship Fund.

Questions?  Contact Nina Groppo

Questions? Contact Nina Groppo

Gloucester Fisherman Wives Association & Fishing Partnership Gloucester Navigator

The Gloucester Fishermen’s Wives Association (GFWA) is a non-profit organization since 1969 that promotes the New England fishing industry and assists active and retired fishermen and their families to live better lives. The Captains License Program offers scholarship opportunities to Massachusetts commercial fishermen that can advance their education, training, and employment opportunities.

About Northeast Maritime Institute

About Northeast Maritime Institute

Northeast Maritime Institute [NMI] is a private, co-educational institution located in Fairhaven, MA that offers students an opportunity to pursue maritime education. Their curriculum provides marine safety education, ship operation courses, Coast Guard license and document courses. Recognized by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) as a world leader in delivering top-quality maritime education and training services worldwide, NMI embodies the pursuit of excellence in maritime education, upholding the centuries-old New Bedford tradition of providing skilled seafarers to the world.

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Are you or your spouse a fisherman? Do you come from a fishing family? Or, are you a shoreline worker that lives in a coastal community [that's anyone that has a job that supports fishermen getting their product to market and includes boat mechanics, fish cutters and lumpers to name a few]? We're here to help. Complete the Request for Services form and we'll answer your call.

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