Financial Planning Program

Financial Planning Workshops for Cape & Islands Fishing Families

We’re pleased to announce a limited number of FREE 45-minute Financial Planning coaching sessions for Fishing Families in Barnstable, Dukes and Nantucket counties.

Fishing Partnership has partnered with Stephen Barkhuff, founder of Financial Fundamentals, LLC, to provide free consultations for individuals and couples who work in the commercial fishing industry.

economic securityStephen, who is based in Brewster, MA, has led financial literacy workshops and webinars at Fishing Partnership locations in the past and during the peak of the pandemic. Beginning March 1st, 2022, Stephen will be available to meet with Cape & Islands commercial fishing families via Zoom to discuss financial challenges, opportunities, and questions specific to a household’s circumstances.

Get Help with these Financial Matters:

  • Business and Household Budgeting
  • Managing Debt
  • Accessing your Credit Report or Score
  • Preparing for Financial Emergencies and Setting Up a Rainy Day Fund
  • Saving for future goals, such as Buying a Car or Home.
  • Determining a Financial Plan for Your Children’s Education
  • And much more!
Financial Planning Program

4 Steps to Access Free Financial Services

STEP ONE: Book a Free Workshop Appointment

Contact our Chatham office to have a Navigator help to arrange a remote (Zoom-based), 45-minute free financial coaching session with Stephen at a mutually convenient time.

STEP TWO: Prepare for the Appointment

What’s keeping you up at night? Arrive at the appointment and Steve will want to learn about financial topics that are weighing on you. For example,

What financial challenge or obstacle is preventing you from getting ahead?
What are your financial goals in the coming months or years?
Do you need expertise to make an important financial decision ahead?

STEP THREE: Actions After the Appointment

After your coaching session, Stephen will email you a summary of the action items and other important takeaways from the meeting and will follow up with you periodically to assess progress with those action items and to help resolve roadblocks encountered.

STEP FOUR: Appointment Follow-up

Once your action items have been completed, you will be eligible for a second 30-minute financial coaching session within six months of your first session. This second meeting will give you the opportunity to ask more questions, establish new action items, and continue to make progress toward your financial goals.

Financial Planning

Contact Chatham Office

Call Julia Messersmith to schedule a financial workshop at 774-840-9418.


Stephen cannot provide investment or tax advice as part of these financial coaching sessions. The focus of this service is to address financial issues specific to you.

Request Services

Are you or your spouse a fisherman? Do you come from a fishing family? Or, are you a shoreline worker that lives in a coastal community [that's anyone that has a job that supports fishermen getting their product to market and includes boat mechanics, fish cutters and lumpers to name a few]? We're here to help. Complete the Request for Services form and we'll answer your call.

Become a Friend

Show your support for fishermen, their families and coastal shoreline workers. Sign up as a Friend of Fishing Partnership and you'll receive news on local fisheries and learn what it takes to bring fresh seafood, sustainably caught, from the most highly regulated wild fisheries in the world to your dinner table. Learn what you can do to support fishing communities near you.