Healthy Harbors Dental Clinic, Oak Bluffs, MA

About the Event

Healthy Harbors Dental Clinic, Oak Bluffs, MA

Oak Bluffs Town Hall, Meeting Hall

FPSS will be on Martha’s Vineyard to offer discounted dental cleanings for fishing families by appointment only.  In addition to the dental clinic, our Navigators will be on-hand to help assist with any health insurance-related questions prior to Open Enrollment. We will also have our rack of PFDs available to try on as well as information regarding lifejacket discounts through our rebate program. If you have questions or would like to schedule a dental cleaning, please call 774-840-9393.


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Request Services

Are you or your spouse a fisherman? Do you come from a fishing family? Or, are you a shoreline worker that lives in a coastal community [that's anyone that has a job that supports fishermen getting their product to market and includes boat mechanics, fish cutters and lumpers to name a few]? We're here to help. Complete the Request for Services form and we'll answer your call.

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