Social Media Toolkit

Open Enrollment 2022 Social Media Toolkit

Join Fishing Partnership in increasing awareness about the services we offer to connect Massachusetts residents to health insurance. We invite you to use this guide to share information on Open Enrollment 2022. Together, we can improve the health of residents of the Commonwealth!


A backbone for the fishing industry, Fishing Partnership has been delivering health, safety and economic security programs to fishermen since 1997. With port offices in the coastal towns of New Bedford, Gloucester, Plymouth and Chatham, we deliver programs and services throughout Massachusetts. Navigators, who are community health workers, staff our offices and have lived experiences as either fisherman, or members of fishing families, and live within port towns or harbor neighborhoods. They bring a deep understanding of the fishing industry’s culture and priorities to ensure the success of our programs.

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Massachusetts Health Insurance #OpenEnrollment 2022 started November 1st! Now is the time for #Massachusetts residents to apply for coverage for 2022. This year you may qualify for more help paying for your coverage due to the American Rescue Plan. If you need assistance, reach out to a Fishing Partnership Navigator who can help you in-person, via Zoom or over the phone. To find out more about open enrollment and how Fishing Partnership can help, visit their website.

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Did you know that Fishing Partnership Navigators are available to help any #Massachusetts residents access health insurance through the Health Connector? If you have questions that need answers, assistance with selecting a plan, or help completing an application, contact a Fishing Partnership Navigator today! Just call 617.928.3443.

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Think quality health insurance is out of reach? Learn how much you can save on health insurance premiums by contacting a Fishing Partnership Navigator who can help you explore your options and determine the best plan for your family. Learn more

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The American Rescue Plan helps lower premiums for #Massachusetts residents. If you couldn’t afford coverage through the Health Connector in the past, now is the time to take another look. Contact a Fishing Partnership Navigator who can help you explore all your options. 617.928.3443.

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We recommend using hashtags #getcovered, #staycovered

Health insurance is now more affordable for thousands of Massachusetts residents. Fishing Partnership Navigators can help you explore
potential savings. Learn more #getcovered #staycovered

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Think quality health insurance is out of reach? Speak with a Fishing Partnership Navigator today who can help any Massachusetts resident find the best plan for their needs. Call 617.928.3443 #getcovered #staycovered

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Open Enrollment 2022 Videos to Share


Fishing Partnership Navigators are multilingual frontline community health workers who are trusted members of their communities. They can assist any Massachusetts resident access affordable health care through the Health Connector.


On Tuesday, October 26th, 2021 Fishing Partnership Navigators delivered an Open Enrollment Information Session from 2:00 – 2:30 p.m. to the Massachusetts Coastal Caucus. In case you missed it, watch this highly informative presentation to get important news on how Fishing Partnership helps MA residents enroll in health insurance.

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Request Services

Are you or your spouse a fisherman? Do you come from a fishing family? Or, are you a shoreline worker that lives in a coastal community [that's anyone that has a job that supports fishermen getting their product to market and includes boat mechanics, fish cutters and lumpers to name a few]? We're here to help. Complete the Request for Services form and we'll answer your call.

Become a Friend

Show your support for fishermen, their families and coastal shoreline workers. Sign up as a Friend of Fishing Partnership and you'll receive news on local fisheries and learn what it takes to bring fresh seafood, sustainably caught, from the most highly regulated wild fisheries in the world to your dinner table. Learn what you can do to support fishing communities near you.